William Luft was born in Grand Island, NE on January 22nd, 1968. Bill is Married to Nancy Luft (Paulick), he raised 6 children Tyler, Kayla, Alexis, Shelby, William III, and Logan. They have 7 grandchildren, and they are lifetime Grand Island and Hall Co. residents.
Bill has over 28 years of work in law enforcement, retiring from the Grand Island Police Department and retiring as the Howard County Sheriff.
He retired from the U.S. Army (Army Reserve) Military Police Corps after 24 years from 1986 to 2010.
Rank/Position; Senior Adviser 1SG/CSM. Also, as the Commander of a Corp Liaison Detachment special operations group (Senior Adviser). Combat veteran of following; Cold War 86-91, Gulf War 90-91 (Operations Desert Shield/Storm), Korean Defense 98 (Operations Foal Eagle), Kosovo war 00-01 (Operation Joint Guardian), Iraq War 03-04 (Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom).
Serving with the; 101st Airborne Division, 16th Airborne MP BDE, 4th Infantry Division, 1st Armored Division, 89th MP BDE, 8th MP BDE and 18th MP BDE…
He is an Owner-operator at Luft Farm's since 1998 and his wife's animal sanctuary/rescue called Luft's Happy Herd Farm LLC (Nancy Luft Proprietor)...