Robert Seely was born in Hastings, NE on September 16th, 1949 and was raised on a rural Doniphan farm. He graduated Doniphan High in 1967.
Bob was drafted into the Army in June 1969. His basic training was at Fort Lewis, Washington, and he had advanced training at Fort Ord, California.
He was sent to Vietnam in January 1970. Their camp was hit on his 2nd or 3rd day there, and he said he had never run that fast before. He started out in the 168 Land clearing Co. When it was deactivated, he went to the 60th. In December, he was approved for R & R in Australia but got an early out so came home instead. He left for home on Christmas Day 1970 and was glad to be back on US soil, but also regretted not seeing Australia. It was very hot and humid in Vietnam and he came home to a very cold Nebraska.
Bob married Jean Coffey on June 2, 1972, and they had two sons; Brian in 1974 and Steve in 1977. They have five grandchildren. Bob worked several places, ending with 25 years at CNH, retiring in 2014.
He and Jean went on the Hero flight to Washington DC, in May of 2016, which made a big impact on his feelings as a veteran.
He now enjoys reading, gardening, casinos, fishing, and walking Bo their dog.