James Leschinsky is 82 years old and lives in Grand Island, NE. He served in the Army from February 19,1964 till February 11th, 1966. He is married to Kathy Leschinsky. They have a daughter, Sheila and a son, Troy. 4 Grandsons, and 2 Great Grandsons. After his time in the service he worked as a Farmer.
James went to Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, then to Fort Benning, Georgia with the 577th Engineering Battalion as a heavy equipment operator. He ran an 830 M, rubber tire earth mover, a D8 Dozer, later was sent to the 299th to Benh Dinh Province, then was sent to Pleiku and dug ammo bunkers, and the perimeter around Artillery Hill.
In 1966, James was discharged and returned to the US, to what he remembered as an ungrateful nation for what many gave up their lives for. What he remembers most from his time in the service is the terrifying jungle terrain and monsoon rain and also being in constant danger with no armor protection, cab or roll bar.
James is now fighting Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, type 2 diabetes and Peripheral Neuropathy contributed by Agent Orange.
Through the years he has kept in touch with several of his Army Buddies and they have a reunion every year. James says “They are as close as brothers.”